Louise Hermann
Psychic Medium
Connecting with the other side
2020 Event Dates
See Events page for details as events may change in the future:
Friday 7th February-Sydney
Friday 14th February-Central Coast
Friday 28th February-Newcastle
Friday 6th March-Sydney
Friday 13th March-Central Coast
Friday 20th March-Newcastle
Friday 3rd April-Sydney
Friday 24th April-Newcastle
Friday 1st May-Sydney
Friday 15th May-Central Coast
Friday 29th May-Newcastle
Friday 5th June-Sydney
Friday 12th June-Central Coast
Friday 26th June-Newcastle
Friday 3rd July-Sydney
Friday 10th July-Central Coast
Friday 24th July-Newcastle
Friday 7th August-Sydney
Sunday 9th August-Sydney Workshop
Friday 14th August-Central Coast
Sunday 16th August-Central Coast Workshop
Friday 28th August-Newcastle
Saturday 29th August-Newcastle Workshop
Friday 4th September-Sydney
Friday 11th September-Central Coast
Friday 18th September-Newcastle
Friday 9th October-Sydney
Friday 16th October-Central Coast
Saturday 24th October-Melbourne
Friday 30th October-Newcastle
Friday 6th November-Sydney
Friday 13th November-Central Coast
Friday 27th November-Newcastle
Friday 4th December-Sydney
Friday 11th December-Central Coast
Friday 18th December-Newcastle
Break over Xmas until February 2021