Louise Hermann
Psychic Medium
Connecting with the other side
Mediumship Demonstration Events
Central Coast-Davistown
Date:Friday 14th February 2025
If you cannot make this event, then feel free to sign up for our Central Coast Future Events email newsletter.
Time:Arrival from 6:45pm. Doors will be closed at 7:15pm for a sharp start. The evening will finish at 9pm. Please do not attend if you have cold or flu symptoms. Thank you for your duty of care towards the audience.
Location:Davistown Hall, end of Davistown Rd (Davistown Wharf),
Cost:$15 cash door entry payable on the evening.
Please note:Children under the age of 12yrs are not permitted due to content, duration and distractions. Thank you for understanding.
Please register here for the event, thank you.
If you decide to cancel, please text 0415 183 950 with your first name, number of people attending and event location. Thank you.